Thompson Nicola Cariboo Region

Serving the Thompson Nicola Cariboo from the Rockies to Copper Desert, we invest in programs and initiatives that improve lives.

Map of BC
Thompson Nicola Cariboo Region

Creating Local Impact

In 2023, United Way BC invested over $5 million dollars to support people in need in the Thompson Nicola Cariboo Region, providing funding for basic needs like Food Security and the Community Recovery Support Fund, Children and Youth, Healthy Aging, and Capacity Building and Convening.

Local Impact

Learn more about the impact we’re making in the region.

Providing flood & fire relief

We rallied for our neighbours during a time of crisis, investing over $650K in Urgent Response funding to local communities affected by devastating fires and floods. We are committed to supporting the community-led rebuilding and recovery of these communities in the years to come.

Growing our impact

We scaled out United Way British Columbia programs by expanding the iVolunteer program into our area, launching new Regional Food Hub in Williams Lake and Clearwater, and adding Hi Neighbour initiatives in Lytton and Merritt. By launching Hi Neighbour for Recovery in Princeton, the Fraser Canyon, Merritt, and the Shuswap, we are engaging with local community organizations and residents in areas of BC that have been impacted by wildfires or floods to support ongoing recovery and resiliency work. Take a look at this incredible work here!

Listening to our community

We focused on our non-profit sector strengthening work by conducting workshops and undertaking research to better understand local community needs that will guide our ongoing work.

Investing in our community’s health

We continued to facilitate the Community Action Team in Kamloops (CAT) which includes representatives from government, first nations, health authorities, non-profit organizations, and concerned citizens. This informed group discusses the current overdose epidemic and creates actionable plans and awareness at the local level.

Expanding access to essential services

We distributed more than 8,700 bus tickets through our Emergency Transportation program in partnership with the City of Kamloops. This allows for barrier-free access to community service programs and resources.


Learn more about our work in the region.

Impact Stories

Local love in your community.


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Contact Us

Contact the United Way British Columbia Thompson Nicola Cariboo team.

Tel: 250-372-9933


Address: 2nd Floor, 286 Tranquille Rd, Kamloops, BC, V2B 3G3