MJB Lawyers Paint
Volunteers from MJB Lawyers painted the exterior front and back entranceways to The Tree Family Centre on Seymour Street, a safe space offered to families by the Kamloops Family Resources Society.
A handful of local law firm employees recently swapped their pens for paintbrushes for the afternoon to better their community.
Volunteers from MJB Lawyers painted the exterior front and back entranceways to The Tree Family Centre on Seymour Street, a safe space offered to families by the Kamloops Family Resources Society. While they were at it, they planted a vegetable garden so families could enjoy the experience of nurturing and eating fresh produce straight from the backyard.
This Day of Caring was facilitated by United Way British Columbia – Thompson Nicola Cariboo and sponsored by MJB Lawyers. This project was further supported by Benjamin Moore, who subsidized the cost of paint supplies needed to update the space.
The idea behind a Day of Caring is simple. An organization needs a new fence, or a paint job, or some landscaping, or some food hampers. Then, a local business donates a team of employees to get the job done. But it’s not just about the fence, it’s about a sense of caring through volunteerism and connecting people in the community with different skills, different knowledge, and different backgrounds. It’s about team building for those employees, who have the chance to learn about the programs and services that the organization offers.
At the Family Tree Family Centre, families enjoy a warm and respectful environment where they find support in each other, in visiting professionals, and in the caring staff who understand how to connect people with the help they need. The freshened-up outdoor space was a warm welcome for supporting families all summer long.