United Way British Columbia – working with communities in BC’s Interior, Lower Mainland and Central & Northern Vancouver Island
To better meet the needs of British Columbians, six United Ways have merged as a single organization to increase impact in local communities around the province.
United Way British Columbia – working with communities in BC’s Interior, Lower Mainland and Central & Northern Vancouver Island
More than ever before, British Columbia communities need help addressing critical social issues like food insecurity, social isolation, homelessness and mental health. To better meet these needs for British Columbians, six United Ways have merged as a single organization to increase impact in local communities around the province, including in Central and Northern Vancouver Island, the Lower Mainland, Thompson Nicola Cariboo, Southern Interior, Trail and District, and East Kootenay.
United, we are stronger
United Way British Columbia – working with communities in BC’s Interior, Lower Mainland and Central & Northern Vancouver Island will address critical issues by sharing resources and expertise across the province.
United Way British Columbia will serve a population of more than 4 million people, with a focus on kids and youth, seniors, poverty, mental health and food security. By strengthening vital connections, the new organization will work to create healthy, caring, inclusive communities.
“By coming together as one organization, we can help more people and make a bigger difference,” said Michael McKnight, CEO of the new organization. “We are excited to amalgamate as a single entity because we will be stronger together. This is the natural next step for us and will help ensure strong, healthy and caring communities.”
Following the approval of United Way members at special general meetings held on June 15th, the new organization officially begins operations on July 1, 2021. Work in communities continues as normal, including delivery of the supports and programming undertaken in partnership with the provincial and federal governments.
Provincial reach, local focus
Provincial programs and initiatives including Better at Home, Healthy Aging, Youth Futures Education Fund, United Way Food Hubs will continue to support those in need, while four Regional Councils will ensure donations are maximized at the local level and the Chair of each Regional Council will sit on the organization’s Board of Directors.
“Together we are committed to maintaining local programs and staff in all of our communities,” said Dot Neary, Board Chair, United Way Central & Northern Vancouver Island. “Donors want to see tangible outcomes at the local level. That’s why dollars raised locally will stay local.”
Visit uwbc.ca, July 1 for more information on United Way British Columbia – working with communities in BC’s Interior, Lower Mainland and Central & Northern Vancouver Island.