A lasting legacy for future generations. When you leave a legacy gift to United Way British Columbia you are making a lasting change in the lives of future generations.
You are acknowledging the issues that are affecting our community today while ensuring they will continue to be addressed tomorrow and into the future.
A legacy gift extends a lifetime of giving. Your extraordinary generosity will help vulnerable people beyond your lifetime, creating the future you want for British Columbia.
We recommend that you seek professional advice from a lawyer or financial advisor when considering making a Planned Gift.
What legacy will you leave?
For more information, or to discuss making a planned gift, please contact Peter Ko.
Further Information
You can create a lasting legacy for your community in many ways:
- Donating properties such as personal residences, vacation homes, jewelry or shares in privately held corporations.
- Transforming tax liabilities by naming UWBC as the beneficiary of your RRSP, RRIF, TFSA or pension plan
- Donor Advised Funds
- Donating Life Insurance
Frequently Asked Questions
It is easy and flexible with several giving options. The most common type of planned giving is a charitable gift through a bequest in a will. Gifts of a specific cash amount or asset or a percentage of the remaining estate are popular bequest choices.
You can leave a paid up life insurance policy, securities, a retirement account or other financial investments. Some donors also give through property including real estate, jewelry or art.
The legal name you should include in your will to make a bequest is United Way British Columbia.
Everyone can leave a gift in an amount that they deem appropriate. “Estate” is simply a word used to describe everything that you own at the time of your passing. Every gift to United Way British Columbia helps strengthen our community and those at risk in British Columbia.
A charitable bequest will not take effect unless you state your intention in your will. A well-prepared, up-to-date will is one of the best ways you can make your wishes known so that your legacy is exactly what you want it to be.
Making a will doesn’t have to be complicated or expensive. It usually takes less time than most people think and can usually be completed in one or two short meetings. While sometimes there are reasons to make a more complicated Will, contact a notary or solicitor and ask for their estimations.
No, you don’t have to disclose any details about your bequest. However, it would help us greatly in planning for the future programs and in recognizing your generosity. If you choose to inform us of your plans, it is not binding in any way.
Community needs change from time to time. For United Way British Columbia to have the flexibility to focus on the greatest need of the community, we encourage you to leave an undesignated gift. However, you can always direct your caring gift to a specific area or project or to United Way British Columbia’s highest priority needs. We would be delighted to provide you with appropriate bequest wording to help ensure your gift is used as you wished and directed to the fund or area you have chosen to support.
While we will do everything we can to assist you in creating a legacy gift for United Way British Columbia, we cannot offer legal advice or financial planning. A professional advisor, like a financial or estate planner, lawyer, accountant, trust officer or insurance agent, will be able to assist you in leaving a gift.
Yes, gifts are eligible for tax credits or tax deductions. However, the tax benefits will depend on several factors: the type of gift, the timing, outright or deferred or has any income payments. We encourage you to talk to professional advisors. They can advise you and help to ensure you realize the philanthropic goal while enjoy the maximum tax and legal benefits.
We will because the commitments address two different needs. Through your annual gift, United Way British Columbia is able to help vulnerable children, youths and seniors in immediate need. Last year, we invested and provided 450 programs in 26 communities to strengthen the community and create change.
However, to allow United Way British Columbia the ability to meet the challenges and opportunities in future, your planned gift is significant. It will allow us to help the most vulnerable members of our communities for the generations to come.