Impact Stories
Helping those during the wildfires in Northern BC
Since the devastating fires across British Columbia, United Way of Northern BC (now part of United Way BC) has funded many agencies providing assistance and support in their communities.
Since the devastating fires across British Columbia, United Way of Northern BC (now part of United Way BC) has funded many agencies providing assistance and support in their communities.
- Grocery gift cards to disburse and emergency food for a “Free Food Pantry”
- Supports for staff, art materials, and snacks for a Good Neighbours Festival for evacuees
- Industrial air scrubber and filters, funding to pay for all staff to participate in emergency preparedness activities (evacuation drill), and purchase of items for indoor activities for programming when air quality is prohibitive to going outdoors.
- Air purifiers for multiple program spaces to ensure children are safe when attending programming.
- Emergency backpacks filled with: sleeping bag/blanket and other essentials such as a flashlight, batteries, whistle, a small first aid kit, personal hygiene items, etc.
- Air scrubber and filters to ensure safe air quality in facility and gift cards to assist seniors with safe basic and social needs during wildfire season.
- Grocery gift cards to assist clients while experiencing challenges with wildfire smoke.
- Facility air scrubber to counteract the affects of the wildfire smoke.
- Emergency backpacks filled with: sleeping bag/blanket and other essentials such as a flashlight, batteries, whistle, a small first aid kit, personal hygiene items, etc.
- Emergency backpacks filled with: sleeping bag/blanket and other essentials such as a flashlight, batteries, whistle, a small first aid kit, personal hygiene items, etc.
- Healthy snacks for indoor community event and ongoing Seniors activities to encourage activity and social engagement during poor air quality days due to wildfire smoke.
- Emergency prep kits that include non-perishable food, a hand-crank flashlight, and medical supplies.
- Provision of water to be able to provide to staff, clients, and public who need it when seeking respite from wildfire situation.
- Air scrubbers, 72-Hour Go Bag supplies, refreshments, and advertising to hold an event where the go bags will be assembled and item uses will be instructed on.
- Grocery gift cards to assist clients while experiencing challenges with wildfire smoke and emergency food for a community food pantry.
- Emergency backpacks with personal hygiene items, socks and underwear, comfort items for children, grocery gift cards, and other basic necessities for those displaced. Funding to help with purchasing passes for local activities for displaced families.
- Air purifiers to create safe spaces within facilities, and water to provide to clients as they come to agencies for support.
- Installation of HVAC air filtration system, as well as taxi vouchers and grocery gift cards to assist clients while experiencing challenges with wildfire smoke.