Struggling Youth Achieves Sobriety Thanks to Community Support
Your generosity, through United Way British Columbia, has given this young man opportunities that would not be possible otherwise.
Not all pandemic stories are the same.
While most kids are getting back to normal routines, many still face significant barriers to participating in essential mental health and social programs.
By supporting United Way, you help give the gift of safe, stable support in the lives of children across our region.
“We had a youth that last October was homeless and felt very hopeless.
He was on his knees crying in our youth drop in program begging for someone to care and to help him get sober.
We helped him with supports and he chose to attend treatment in the Lower Mainland. He came back to Williams Lake in February with a diploma and 4 months sobriety, stating he couldn’t have done this without our support.”
– Krista Harvey, United Way BGC Williams Lake & District
Your generosity, through United Way British Columbia, has given this young man opportunities that would not be possible otherwise.
We are proud to support the various programs at BGC Williams Lake & District that help youth make healthy choices, including an afterschool program, summer camps and youth drop in center to help support healthy choices and modeled behaviours.
The world is changed one person at a time. Thank you for making a difference by giving!