100 More Homes Penticton
Working collaboratively to build a system of housing and supports to prevent and address homelessness in Penticton
Over the last 8 years, 100 More Homes Penticton has transformed from a small informal group that met to discuss housing needs in the community into a formal collective with over 27 diverse organizations representing housing needs for a wide range of people.
In 2018, the collective efforts resulted in the construction of over 200 units and wrap-around housing support services, and it is now working towards creating a community where every resident has safe, accessible, and affordable homes to live in.
A look through the lived experience lens of homelessness
United Way BC continues to support the 100 More Homes Steering Committee in Penticton. Recently the group released four videos highlighting pathways into and out of homelessness. The films were developed by the South Okanagan Lived Experience Circle and supported by OneSky Community Resources and United Way BC. They are part of the 100 More Homes anti-stigma and education campaign, helping build collective impact in communities to prevent and address homelessness.
If you or someone you know is experiencing or at risk of homelessness, you can call or text 211 anywhere in BC to connect to non-emergency community health and social services in your area, or visit bc.211.ca to search the BC211 online directory.
Strategic Goals of 100 More Homes
To work collaboratively to build a system of housing and supports to prevent and address homelessness in Penticton.
- Every person in our community deserves to have a home
- Multisector collaboration with shared goals and priorities is essential
- Incorporating the Lived Experience voice within the Committee’s work
- No one group or agency can solve the issue of homelessness alone; collaboration is essential
Strategic Goals
- Housing and Supports: Increase housing and supports for those experiencing and at risk of homelessness
- Community Coordination: Create a coordinated system of intake, assessment and supports
- Data: Produce consistent, reliable data to inform decision-making and advocacy
- Communication: Enhance communication and education to the wider community
The 100 More Homes Steering Committee is made up of community partners and works as a communicator with the City of Penticton. From the steering committee, action tables branch out to work on specific areas of housing in Penticton, such as community outreach and youth.

Help Accessing Housing:

Cold Weather Resources
To learn about temporary winter shelters and who to call in Penticton, please download:
- 11 One Sky
- 12 Ooknakane Friendship Center (OFC)
- 13 Penticton & District Society for Community Living (PDSCL)
- 14 Penticton Indian Band
- 15 Penticton Outreach and Prevention (POPs)
- 16 RCMP
- 17 South Okanagan Restorative Justice Program
- 18 South Okanagan Similkameen Brain Injury Society (SOSBIS)
- 19 South Okanagan Women in Need Society (SOWINS)
2023 Year in Review
This report provides an overview of the work completed through the 100 More Homes Penticton (100MHP) collective through 2023, in partnership with the City of Penticton and United Way British Columbia.
Contact Us
For more information, email us at 100morehomes@uwbc.ca or follow us online:
We also welcome community feedback through our anonymous public survey.