Helpline Services

Connecting People to Community Resources

United Way BC Helpline Services offers live call, text, and webchat services that empower people by providing information about local programs and supports. Learn more below.

BC211 Information & Referral Service

Inform USA Accredited

Accredited by Inform USA (formerly AIRS, Alliance of Information and Referral Systems) since 2008, we meet international standards relating to call response, privacy and confidentiality, and quality and accuracy of resources.


  • 16,000+ Database Resource Records
  • 88,000+ Helpline Requests Answered
  • 200,000+ Referrals Made
  • 150,000 Resource Database Search Sessions at

“I know that our services and my work have had impact by how people express their gratitude at the end of the call. Sometimes it’s when I hear the caller take a deep breath and then a very long exhale…as if some heavy weight or burden has been lifted.”Grace, Community Resource Specialist 

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