United for Ukraine
Bringing together the power of many to support displaced Ukrainians.
Donate TodayA need for housing
Since the escalation of Russia’s aggression into Ukraine, British Columbia has welcomed Ukrainians into the province as they seek a safe place. With no end to the conflict, Ukrainians are still in need of hosts as they come to the province.
Their journeys have seen them face trauma and horrors, but also hope as they are welcomed to a new community. Unfortunately, as more people arrive, there are less available accommodations for those in need.
United Way British Columbia’s housing program places safety and security as a priority. Applications are vetted and provided to partner settlement agencies to find the most suitable matches for everyone. Both hosts and Ukrainians are supported throughout the process. In cases where a match doesn’t work out, all parties collaborate to find a resolution and new accommodations if needed.
If your home is insured by BCAA Home Insurance, any additional home insurance premiums are covered for eligible customers who host a displaced Ukrainian family or individual.
United Way British Columbia supports the resiliency and strengthening of communities though vital connections that make them healthy; this includes newcomers from Ukraine seeking safety and belonging.
For the past two years, we have welcomed displaced Ukrainians into our communities and supported their integration.
To learn more about how we support displaced Ukrainians, please see our Report and watch the video below.
Have you arrived in BC from Ukraine?
If you have newly arrived in BC from Ukraine, connect to resources by visiting bc.211.ca/united-for-ukraine. Consolidated information about available supports and services can be found there, as well as an opportunity to connect with a live multilingual operator who can answer questions and provide direction.
Підключіться до ресурсів, відвідавши bc.211.ca/united-for-ukraine. Тут можна знайти консолідовану інформацію про доступну підтримку та послуги, а також можливість зв’язатися з багатомовним оператором у прямому ефірі, який може відповісти на запитання та надати вказівки.
Подключайтесь к ресурсам, посетив сайт bc.211.ca/united-for-ukraine. Там можно найти сводную информацию о доступных службах поддержки и услуг, а также возможность связаться с живым многоязычным оператором, который может ответить на вопросы и дать указания.
Donate to Ukraine
Help support arriving Ukrainians who have been forced to flee their homes.
Are you looking to donate to Ukraine or volunteer?
If you are a compassionate British Columbian looking for volunteer opportunities, you are urged to visit iVolunteer.ca.
If you have goods or services you’d like to donate, please fill out our donation form. UWBC will coordinate and direct donations according to community needs.
Frequently Asked Questions
Learn more about United for Ukraine.
Donate and stand United for Ukraine
Your generosity supports arriving Ukrainians who have been forced to flee their homes.

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